Causes and remedies for chapped lips

Regardless of the season, it’s one of our continual beauty complaints: chapped lips. Not only does dryness make even the prettiest lip color look patchy and sad, but peely, swollen, cracking lips? They also hurt very much and ruins your makeup too.

So what causes chapped lips? It turns out there are about a million factors conspiring to sap your lips of moisture. We’ve rounded up seven of the biggest chapped lip culprits as well as our proven ways to beat them. You’ll thank us the next time you’re making out; we promise.

1. Licking and biting your lips.
These habits are responsible for a vicious cycle of lip chapping: you lick your lips to moisten them when they’re dry, the saliva evaporates and dries out the delicate skin of your lips, which causes them to peel, which causes you to bite at the loose skin, which starts the entire process over again. Stop the madness!

The cure: Unfortunately, the only way to break this habit is to…well, break the habit. Stopping licking and nibbling at your mouth is hard, but inspire yourself to greatness by thinking of all those amazing lipsticks you’ll be able to wear afterwards. And avoid any lip balms that are scented or flavored they’ll just tempt you to nibble more.

2. The weather.
We’re killing our lips year-round. In cold weather, you’re swaddled in layers of clothing, but your poor lips are still exposed to the cold elements. And in hot seasons, while you slather the rest of your body in sun protection creams, too often you forget to protect your mouth from the sun.

The cure: An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure, so make sure you’re getting really liberal with your lip balm. But you also have to be sure you’re being smart about that balm, making sure it has ingredients that heal and nurture, rather than just coat with wax

3. Allergies.
The worst! Not only do they make you feel miserable, they also mess up your beauty game. And nasal allergies you know, the kind that leave you breathing through your mouth have the horrible, accidental side-effect of drying out your lips.

The cure: First, you need to talk to your doctor. Allergies are serious business, and addressing the underlying problem is critical to dealing with beauty issues. In the meantime, your best bet is a two-pronged approach: protect at night and exfoliate during the day. Keeping a nourishing lip balm next to your bed, so that you’re sure to apply it before going to sleep (and during the night, if you wake up). And when you wash your face morning and night, please use a cotton washcloth and warm water to gently exfoliate away any chapped skin on your lips. Stick to this routine, see your allergist and your chapped lips will look better in short order!

4. Dehydration.
Here’s where we tell you to DRINK MORE WATER! If you’re drying out internally, one of the first places you’ll notice an external change is your lips, because the skin is so thin.

The cure: Drink more water! How much should you be drinking per day? 8 ounce glasses of water daily.

5. Medications.
Like so many things in modern life, the things that cure one of our problems can also create others. Medications like accutane, prescription-intensity Vitamin A and retinoids like Isotretinoin can all cause or exacerbate your chapped lip situation.

The cure: Talking to your doctor. Chapped lips (often called “cheilitis” in prescription information booklets, so look out for that) are sometimes such a rare side-effect that it isn’t listed or isn’t listed prominently. Your prescribing health professional will be able to help you out, and possibly point you in the direction of medical-grade lanolin, which is aces for healing even the most severe chapped lips.

6. Nickel.
If you’re allergic to this common metal, believe it or not, you may first see it on your lips. People often put common items like earrings, keys or paper clips in their mouths, which can cause a skin-peeling allergic reaction on (or around) the lips. Crazy, right?

The cure: Get tested for a nickel allergy, and quit putting stuff that isn’t food in your mouth. Okay? Sure you heard.

7. Office air.
Even the most awesome offices in the world suffer from terrible air situations. The crazy heat and air conditioning situations common to many workplaces play very well with our skin which means our lips too.

The cure: Always have your lip balm handy, let in air sometimes if you can and remember to always take a break.

Found these tips healthful? Sure you did,  keep reading my blog for more beauty and health tips…

How to enjoy a proper workout routine

We’ve all been there, you miss a few workouts (for good reasons, of course) and you find it even harder than normal to get back into a steady routine.

Once you lose your drive to exercise and eat clean, it becomes extremely difficult to get back on track because you fall prey to ‘excuse syndrome. Excuses pile on and they become a part of your life. Whether its too little time, not enough energy, or just hating to exercise, there is a solution.
Forget the guilt and get back on the treadmill or any other exercise with these awesome, trainer-approved tips.

There's never a wrong time to start, just start.
I find that many of my family and  friends seem to believe that if they didn’t start their fitness routine in January, then all is lost. Anytime in the year is a good time to get back into a fitness routine. After all, a journey of many miles begins with a single step.

Alter your diet to energize your workout routine.
Guess what, guys: you are what you eat, especially where your energy level is concerned. Do you feel tired or sluggish when you eat junk food? Start to incorporate fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet everyday. You’ll start to feel way more alert and energized.

Reward yourself when you meet small goals.
The rewards can be simple, Allow yourself to sleep in on Saturday, treat yourself to a pedicure, or buy those new workout shoes you’ve been eying. The goal is to get yourself motivated to work out and reach your goals.

Get inspired.
Having a positive mindset when it comes to working out determines 90% of your success, so get inspired to reach your fitness goals! Watch your favorite videos and read magazines that will inspire you. Listen to music that will move you. Surround yourself with good people that motivate you. (We think that last tip is pretty good advice for life in general.)

Plan ahead.
When you are initially trying to get back into a fitness routine, its not going to feel natural, so set yourself up for success by planning ahead. When I was starting to work out again, I made sure on Sunday night to map out my fitness plan for the week including my schedule for each day to help accomplish it.

Make one change a day.
Aim for progress and not perfection. Your level of success will be limited if you try to do everything in one shot. Think slow and gradual in order to get to the next level. You’ll start to see an improvement.

Find a friend.
Exercising is much more enjoyable when you have a workout buddy. Find a friend who’s either already in a fitness routine or trying to hop back on that treadmill! Working out with a friend will make your sweat time fly by and will give you extra motivation not to skip that workout (you don’t want to leave your friend hanging).

Commit to 10 minutes of exercise a day.
You don’t have to be in a gym for an hour in order to see and feel the results. Simply start moving. It doesn’t matter if you take a walk, ride a bicycle, or lift some weights. Just move…you’ll feel great!

For more health and beauty tips, keep visiting my blog daily…

Do you have blackheads?...then read this article

Question: What causes blackheads and how do I get rid of them?
Answer: Unlike a whitehead that has skin on top of the pore, a blackhead is a wide opening on the skin with a blackened mass of debris that covers the opening. But don’t be fooled by the name — some are also yellow. This type of acne forms when dead skin is stuck in a pore with excess oil and bacteria.

What Causes Blackheads
They are caused by an increase in hormone levels which stimulates the sebaceous gland, causing oil to form in the glands, and excess skin cells to get stuck in the pores. Other causes such as poor exfoliation, the use of occlusive products (they contain ingredients that slow down the evaporation of water from the skin and block pores), and makeup that clogs pores.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads
When purchasing acne-fighting products, looking for the ingredients glycolic acid, salicylic acid and retinol, which help skin shed dead cells that can clog pores, and benzoyl peroxide, which kills acne causing bacteria on the skin. These products can help prevent blackheads before they start, which is your best strategy.

If you already have blackheads, don’t pick at them yourself, Longrich Bamboo Soap is an effective product that can help you prevent or get rid of blackheads and acnes.

Contact me on 08088753484, BB Pin: 5c02bea8 for your orders and enquiries…

20 natural tips for a flawless skin...they cost nothing!!!

The pursuit of clear, healthy skin never really ends. Our skin’s condition is cyclical, which means that what looks like perfect skin one week can be a total wreck the next. That’s exactly why we’ll never surrender in the fight against blemishes… nor will we have to. Here are 20, tried-and-true ways to get clearer skin. We bet you’ll find something amazing and helpful in here.

The Do’s and Don’ts

1. Give your skin a break. If you can bear to go without foundation or concealer for a few days, whether it’s the weekend or you’re on vacation, do it! It isn’t a myth that you need to give your skin a chance to detox and “breathe.”

2. Never go to bed with your makeup on. Like, ever. If that means keeping a pack of face wipes on your bedside table in the event of late nights, then by all means, go for it. Face wipes won’t get the job done quite as well as a real cleansing routine, but it’s a vast improvement from sleeping in your makeup.

3. Change your pillowcases. Think about it: When you toss and turn at night, your pillow picks up all kinds of oil and debris from your hair and skin, which you’re then exposing to your skin again. Changing your pillowcases or washing them regularly is the only way to keep them clean, and therefore from leaving bacteria on your skin.

4. Wipe down your phone. Don’t lie, we’ve all pulled our phone away from our face after a long call only to find a smear of foundation (and who knows what else) left behind. Using an antibacterial wipe with alcohol will help to keep your skin clear of breakouts on the side of your face which, let’s face it, are often directly caused by our phones.

5. Clean your makeup brushes. Seriously, atleast once every two weeks. As with anything else that touches your face, makeup brushes pick up acne-causing bacteria over time, so give them a good wash with a gentle soap at least biweekly.

6. Exercise regularly. It’s not only important for your overall health (no surprise there), but all of the side benefits, from sweating regularly to increasing blood flow, will help to achieve clearer skin overall.

7. Drink water like it’s your job. Hydration is so crucial, especially when it comes to digestion and how well your skin functions. Drinking tons of water isn’t a miracle cure for your skin, but honestly, we think it may very well be the next best thing.

8. Get enough sleep. Beauty Sleep is very real, and your skin needs time to rest, regenerate and heal overnight, which means three or four hours just won’t cut it. There are plenty of ways to improve the quality of your sleep as well, even if you’re already getting your standard eight hours.

9. Don’t pick, pop, or squeeze. Seriously. Don’t. Sit on your hands if you’re feeling tempted. Messing with pimples and pores results in skin damage, inflammation, and irritation, not better skin. If you have a whitehead that’s ready to go, use two Q-tips to gently squeeze around the area—your fingers will only leave bacteria behind and increase the chance of infection.

10. Stop touching your face. Avoid leaning on your hands at your desk or touching a zit that you can feel coming to the surface. Again, the oils on your hands are full of blemish-causing bacteria, and nothing good can come from putting that all over your face.

11. Wash your hair before you wash your face. It’s one super-simple change to your showering routine that can make a world of difference by reducing your skin’s exposure to potentially pore-clogging ingredients found in conditioners.

12. Wear sunscreen. Seriously. Don’t just wait until summertime—wearing SPF every day will keep your skin looking younger longer, and will prevent sun spots and scars from developing.

13. Wash your face before and after exercising. Don’t underestimate the importance of the before wash! Makeup and debris that’s gathered on your face over the day, commingled with sweat, is a one-way ticket to more blemishes than you bargained for. Wash the day (or the night) off before you hit the gym, then give a quick, less intensive rinse after.

14. Quit smoking. If there’s one thing on this list that you take to heart, ditch the cigarettes. Even if you’re laissez-faire about your health (which you shouldn’t be!), consider the vanity concerns. Smoking guarantees wrinkles, dryness, and premature aging, not to mention the clogged pores from, you know, the toxins in your body and on your skin.

15. Clean your glasses and sunglasses. Anything that comes in contact with your face should be cleaned regularly. Be sure to wipe down the bridge and frames of glasses and sunglasses after wear so that you don’t transfer the lingering bacteria to your skin once you put them on again.

16. Toss out your makeup and skin care after the expiration date. It’s tempting to keep unfinished products long past their expiry when they’re nowhere near empty, but the heartbreaking truth is that, most of the time, it’s best just to trash them to ensure your products haven’t been exposed to bacteria.

17. Mind your ingredients, and do your research! There are countless ingredients that can be damaging to skin and cause breakouts that fly under the radar—and, alarmingly, can even be found in products that are touted as “anti-acne.” Know what works for your skin and what doesn’t, and avoid known comedogenic ingredients.

18. Relax and destress. Stress is one of the primary causes of health concerns overall, acne very much included. Destressing is far easier said than done, but it’s important to find a solid source of relaxation, whether it’s a long bath or a long treadmill session.

19. Don’t wait until bedtime to wash your face. Washing your face once in the morning and once before you hit the sack at night may seem like the right thing to do, and it isn’t necessarily the wrong thing, but it’s better to wash your face as soon as you get home so that the day’s grime doesn’t linger any longer than necessary.

20. Wash your bangs every day. Or literally as soon as they start to get greasy. An eyebrow-grazing fringe is one of the biggest culprits of forehead breakouts, so be sure to give them a good shampooing as often as needed to keep dirt and oil away from your skin.

Sure you found these tips helpful, keep visiting my blog daily for more health and beauty tips…