Did you Know? By choosing sensible meals you could loose weight....

Nature provides foods rich in nutrients of all types. Simply by knowing which one to choose could help you lose weight.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C burns fat by using a simple process of liquefaction. Choosing foods naturally rich in vitamin C such as apples, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage, and citrus fruits could help you lose weight.

Apples and berries also contain pectin, which restricts the amount of fat in cells, raspberry and strawberries help to detoxify our body. They stimulate our metabolism to become more efficient in burning fat.

Foods rich in calcium

Cabbage and milk bio-products (like cheese and yogurt) contain calcium. Calcium helps the body lose weight by assisting to dissolve fat cells.

Foods rich in protein
Protein also plays an important role in fat burning and weight lost in its natural form. We choose foods naturally abundant in protein like eggs, lean meat, and fish, (such as tuna, salmon and sardines).


Garlic or garlic oil also helps in weight lost as it reduces fatty deposits.

Green Tea

Green tea increases the metabolism and accelerates the speed at which your body burns fat.
It also contains powerful antioxidants which are known to prevent infection and help prevent disease.


Chili peppers also accelerate metabolism to burn more calories.

Whole Grains

Whole grain (like oatmeal) contain fiber which help cells absorb fat.

Olive and canola oil

Olive oil or canola oil comes from natural sources. They help keep cholesterol levels low. They belong to the same foods group that helps burn fat.


Soy in natural foods (non-hydrogenated oil as Soy) contains lecithin, which protects the cells from accumulating too much fat and helps the decomposition of body fat deposits.


Water helps to cleanse the body inside and out, flushed the system and eliminates toxins. Our body consists of 70 % water. And needs his daily repositioning.

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